Design and Technology Subject Field
Lower Secondary Syllabuses

Practical Skills
Home Economics
Design and Technology

Papua New Guinea
Department of Education

Issued free to schools by the Department of Education
Published in 2006 by the Department of Education, Papua New Guinea.

© Copyright 2006, Department of Education, Papua New Guinea.

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored
in a retrieval system or transmitted by any form or by any means
electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the
prior written permission of the publisher.

ISBN xxxx-xxx-xx-x

The Lower Secondary Design and Technology Subject Field Syllabuses
were written, edited and formatted by the Curriculum Development
Division of the Department of Education. The development of the
syllabuses was coordinated by Sam Erepan.

Teachers, inspectors, tertiary educators, community members,
representatives from non-government organisations and the Design and
Technology Subject Field Subject Advisory Committee have developed
these syllabuses through meetings, workshops and consultations.

This document was developed with the support of the Australian
Government through the Curriculum Reform Implementation Project.



Secretary’s message ..............................................................iv
Introduction ............................................................................. 1
Rationale................................................................................. 3
Curriculum principles .............................................................. 4
Aims of Design and Technology Subject Field ..................... 10
Content overview .................................................................. 11
Grades 9 and 10 units........................................................... 14
Practical Skills units .............................................................. 18
Home Economics units ......................................................... 44
Computing units .................................................................... 66
Design and Technology units................................................ 94
Assessment, examinations and certification ......................... 96


Secretary’s message
This syllabus is to be used by teachers to teach Lower Secondary
students (Grades 9 and 10) subjects in the Design and Technology
Subject Field throughout Papua New Guinea. The syllabuses build upon
concepts, skills and attitudes from Upper Primary and link to concepts,
skills and attitudes in Upper Secondary. They provide a sound
foundation for further learning.

The Lower Secondary Design and Technology Subject Field contributes
to Integral Human Development as they are based on the students’
physical environments, societies and cultures. They link to the National
Education Plan’s vision which is that secondary education enables
students to achieve their individual potential to lead productive lives as
members of the local, national and international community and partake
of further quality education and training as they will undertake a broad
range of subjects and work related activities that can be used in
everyday life.

Design and Technology is one of the subject fields in the Culture and
Community Learning area. This syllabus document includes the subjects
Home Economics, Practical Skills, Computing and Design and
Technology. These subjects will equip students with practical
knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable them to contribute
meaningfully in their local communities and societies. They encourage
self-reliance through enabling students to think critically and become
effective problem solvers based on a model of learning that incorporates
knowledge, skills and design principles in a problem- solving context.
They empower students to manage their limited resources to achieve set
goals and successfully make a living in their community.

By studying subjects in the Design and Technology Subject Field
students will develop and understand how to use, manage, assess and
understand technology and apply it in a wide range of situations such as
the home, community, industry or informal work. This subject field
promotes a student centred approach to learning and an understanding
and appreciation that learning is a lifelong process.

I commend and approve this syllabus document as the official curriculum
for the Design and Technology Subject Field to be used in all schools
with Grades 9 and 10 students throughout Papua New Guinea.

Secretary for Education

Lower Secondary Syllabus

The National Curriculum Statement states that education in Papua New
Guinea is outcomes based. All Lower Secondary Syllabuses use an
outcomes based approach. The Design and Technology Subject Field
Syllabuses have been designed using learning outcomes which identify
the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that all students achieve or
demonstrate by the end of Grade 10. It selects the essential knowledge
and skills from syllabuses teachers have used in the past, and
incorporates this with developments in technology to ensure that the
syllabus provides relevant skills and knowledge for students. The Design
and Technology Subject Field is part of the national curriculum learning
area Culture and Community and builds on the knowledge and skills
students have learnt in primary school.

Upper Primary
Lower Secondary
Lower Secondary Design
Making a Living -
Design and
and Technology Subject
Field -Subjects
Subject Field –

Practical Skills
Home Economics
Better Living
Design and Technology

Assessment is an important component of teaching for learning and is
integrated into the teaching and learning activities of the Design and
Technology Subject Field. Continuous assessment in The Design and
Technology Subject Field provides feedback to students and the teacher
on students' progress towards achievement of the learning outcomes. It
helps students improve their standards of achievement by knowing what
they need to do well and where they need to improve. Teachers will
gather evidence from students’ work during the course of the term and
use those continuous assessments to improve their teaching and
students’ learning.

The syllabuses in the Design and Technology Subject Field have been
designed to be relevant by providing topics that include knowledge, skills
and values that are useful for all students. The syllabuses are flexible as
option units are provided to allow students to study areas of interest. All
units emphasise the development of skills. School developed units can
be written to suit local community needs and can be taught as part of the

The Design and Technology Subject Field includes Home Economics,
Practical Skills, Computing and Design and Technology. These
syllabuses make explicit the knowledge, skills, processes, attitudes and
values that students can achieve for Grade 9 and 10 in these subjects.
These are expressed as broad and unit learning outcomes. They contain
concepts and processes designed to build on the learning outcomes


Design and Technology Syllabus

from the Primary Syllabuses and further prepare students for advanced
aspects of technology in Upper Secondary and the community.

The subjects in the Design and Technology Subject Field are in a
framework which is designed to give students the opportunity to
experience the design process in planning, making evaluating and at
times marketing through a design project approach using a range of
technologies. Using the framework makes it easy for teachers to replace
any unit with their own school developed units.

This Subject Field has the potential to extend its application and
relevance beyond formal schooling. In fact it will cater for the majority of
the students who will not go on to further study after Grade 10.The
knowledge and skills developed through studying this subject will enable
students to live a meaningful and productive life by equipping them with
the skills to make use of the resources in the community.

Each subject in the Design and Technology Subject Field is to be
timetabled for five periods per week in Grades 9 and 10.

Lower Secondary Syllabus

Technology is about people using available resources and tools
appropriately and skilfully to improve the quality of life of individuals and
communities. When used innovatively it can lead to the design and
development of new products or it can change existing products to meet
society’s changing needs and wants.

Technology was used in many societies around the world thousands of
years ago. In Papua New Guinea we had the first gardeners in the
world, who would have used a design process to make simple gardening
and fishing tools and to develop irrigation systems. Since then our
traditional technologies or ways have evolved over time. Today,
technology continues to play an important role in our lives each day. It
affects the way we learn, work and spend our leisure time.

The Design and Technology Subject Field will equip students with
practical knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable them to
contribute meaningfully in their local communities and societies. They
encourage self reliance through enabling students to think critically and
become effective problem solvers based on a model of learning that
incorporates knowledge, skills and design principles in problem-solving
contexts. It empowers students to manage resources, to achieve set
goals and successfully make a living in their community.

Students will develop and understand how to use, manage, assess and
understand technology and apply it in a wide range of situations such as
the home, community, industry or informal work. They will recognise
their social responsibilities in regard to resources and materials being
used, including taking care of waste disposal and identifying effects on
the environment.

By studying technology a student is able to interact with new ideas,
reflect and make decisions, use skills to a higher level, and realise
designs through applied problem solving. This subject promotes a
student-centred approach to learning and an understanding and
appreciation that learning is a lifelong process.

The present economy in Papua New Guinea makes it difficult for most
students to gain formal employment after they leave school. The Design
and Technology Subject Field aims to provide life long skills and
opportunities for the majority of students who will return to the
communities to live a productive life as well as those who will go onto
work or further study.


Design and Technology Syllabus

Curriculum principles
The national curriculum principles should influence what students learn
and how teachers teach. These principles relate to Our Way of Life,
Integral Human Development and Teaching and Learning (NCS, 2002,
Our way of life
Cultural relevance
Cultural relevance focuses on the richness and diversity of Papua New
Guinean cultures and language. These cultures and languages are
examined within their own unique contexts and within historical,
contemporary and future realities. Our traditional life is based on a
holistic perspective that integrates the past, present and future. Papua
New Guineans are the original inhabitants of Papua New Guinea and
live in sophisticated, organized and self-sufficient societies. Our customs
and traditions constitute a cultural mosaic: rich and diverse, including
different cultural groups. Our customs and traditions are unique. The
Design and Technology Subject Field therefore enables students to

• demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of the unique Papua
New Guinea communications system
• demonstrate recognition of the importance of the relationship
between Papua New Guinea and the world around it.
Maintenance of vernacular language
The Department of Education’s Language Policy in all Schools states
that at the secondary level, lessons will be conducted in English, but
teachers can use opportunities to further develop the students oral and
written vernacular (or lingua franca) skills, for example when a concept
is better explained using the vernacular or lingua franca. Students must
be encouraged to learn and use English, but secondary schools should
not discourage free communication in vernacular languages that the
students speak in and out of the school grounds.
Ethics, morals and values
Papua New Guinea is striving to create a society in line with democratic,
liberal traditions. The citizens of Papua New Guinea should recognize
appropriate social relationship based on sound human and religious
ethics, morals and values. These are required for interaction with
families, villages, wantoks and other economic groups and people from
other provinces and nations. The process of socialisation requires a
belief in the ethics, morals and values of the Melanesian extended
family, dialogue with and respect for others and a willingness to
conserve and promote those aspects of our traditions, which are
consistent with integral human development. Socialisation also requires
an awareness of the interdependence of individuals, societies and

Lower Secondary Syllabus

nations in the modern world. It requires involvement with family, church,
school, community and the world beyond.
Integral human development
Facilitating integral human development
The Design and Technology Subject Field is underpinned by integral
human development which is described in the National Curriculum
Statement on page 21 as follows:

integral in the sense that all aspects of a person are important
human in the sense that social relationships are basic
development in the sense that every individual has the potential to
grow in knowledge, wisdom, understanding, skills and goodness.

Knowledge and skills learnt in The Design and Technology Subject Field
help in the development of integral human development because it is
based on an awareness of human potential and the willingness to
develop this potential so that each individual can solve his or her own
problems, contribute to the common good of society and maintain,
promote and improve earning and living.

Papua New Guinea is a rapidly changing society and faces many
challenges, including those of changing technology. To face these
effectively, an individual must strive to become an integrated person and
to work with others to create a better community.
Catering for diversity

All Lower Secondary Syllabuses are designed to cater for the
educational needs and interests of both girls and boys. The Department
of Education Gender Equity in Education Policy recommends that no
student in the education system of Papua New Guinea will be
disadvantaged on the basis of gender. The policy aims to prepare
students for satisfying life beyond school where:

• equal, non-violent relationships exist between females and males
• rights to personal respect and safety are reflected in everyday life
• positive cultural values and individual differences are acknowledged
and respected.

To implement the policy, teachers have the responsibility to use and
promote gender equity practices in their classrooms and with the wider
community. This means teachers:

• use teaching and learning strategies that meet the needs and rights
of all female and male students
• use gender inclusive language, content, methodology and

Design and Technology Syllabus

• respect positive cultural values and challenge unfair cultural
• respect the contributions of men and women to society
• promote positive attitudes and behaviours of social responsibility,
empathy and sensitivity.

There is a need for sensitivity to local cultural practices and values, with
respect to traditional roles for males and females. In the Design and
Technology Subject Field, students will be given equal opportunities to
participate in all practical learning and assessment activities regardless
of gender.

In gender sensitive classrooms:

• there is a safe, challenging learning environment which is socially
and culturally supportive
• boys and girls have the right to equal power
• students take turns in being the leader and reporter
• students share and participate in activities involving different
• students show respect for other students and their contributions
• teachers encourage students to challenge stereo-typed gender roles.

Students with special needs

Many students have special needs. This includes students who are
gifted and those who are disadvantaged. Gifted students should be
given opportunities to extend their learning. Students with physical or
intellectual impairments and emotional or learning difficulties need
special support in the classroom. Teachers have a responsibility to
ensure that the learning needs of these students are met. All students
are individuals and all have the right to quality education in order to
reach their full potential.

Design and Technology Subject Field subjects aim to cater for the needs
of all students. Teachers may need to adapt learning experiences to
cater for students with special needs. This syllabus promotes the
principles of equity through providing a diverse range of learning
experiences and fair assessment practices.
Teaching and learning
Design and Technology Subject Field subjects are practical and
teaching and learning must reflect this. Learning will be done through
projects; students will learn by problem solving and creative thinking in
designing, making and evaluating their product.
Student-centred learning
The syllabuses in the Design and Technology Subject Field use a
student-centred approach as a vehicle to guide and facilitate students’
learning. A student-centred approach provides students with the

Lower Secondary Syllabus

opportunity to practice and develop critical and creative thinking,
problem solving, decision-making as well as range of practical skills and

A student centred approach means that teaching and learning
approaches need to be flexible to cater for the individual differences and
learning should be relevant and meaningful to the experiences and
needs of the students. A student-centred approach allows teachers to be
more flexible in determining the most effective ways to help all students
achieve the learning outcomes.

In the Design and Technology Subject Field students are encouraged to
think critically about what they are learning and to take responsibility for
their learning. They learn to teach each other and to learn from each
other, to work cooperatively and to work individually. They know that
learning has a meaningful and relevant purpose. They enjoy using a
wide range of resources. Students learn how to communicate well with
others, how to work things out for themselves and how to access the
information they need. They need to learn to think in ways that make
sense, using their experiences, their knowledge, their intelligence and
their imagination. They also learn processes for design and skills to
make and at times market a product.
Inclusive curriculum
All students are individuals and all have the right to quality education in
order to reach their full potential. An inclusive curriculum uses content,
language and teaching methods that take account of all students. The
Design and Technology Subject Field values the experiences and
knowledge of all students, regardless of gender, ability, geographic
location, religious and cultural background, or socio-economic status.

Teachers must ensure that the learning and assessment activities are
inclusive of all students when interpreting and implementing syllabus
learning outcomes. The following statements identify important
requirements of an inclusive curriculum.

• All students have fair access to resources such as time spent with
teacher, space in the classroom, books and equipment, outside
• All students have equal opportunity to participate fully in teaching,
learning and assessment activities.
• The curriculum includes and addresses the needs and interests of all
students; girls as well as boys, gifted students, students with
disabilities and students from different cultural and religious
• The experiences and knowledge of all students are valued by
teachers and are reflected in classroom practice.
• Teaching and learning methods cater for different learning styles by
allowing students opportunities to learn in different ways.
• Teachers use a variety of assessment methods that give students
opportunities to demonstrate achievement of learning outcomes.

Design and Technology Syllabus

• Teachers have a responsibility to ensure that the curriculum they
teach, and the classroom practices they use, give all students the
opportunity to reach their full potential.
The Lower Secondary Syllabuses should be relevant to the social,
spiritual and resource development needs of a community. This can be
achieved by integrating teaching and learning situations that reflect the
knowledge, skills, attitudes and spiritual values needed for integral
human development. A relevant Lower Secondary curriculum will
prepare students for productive community living; integrate academic
and practical education; and will provide ways to paid and unpaid

Most people in Papua New Guinea work in the informal economy.
Students who leave at the end of Grade 10 may need to find work in the
informal economy. These students, however, will not only need to be
skilled to work in the informal economy, but they will also need to be
prepared to work in the formal economy and undertake formal education
if there are opportunities. All students will need applied and academic
skills and knowledge. All students will need to know how to adapt new
technologies and knowledge appropriately to their environment.

The Design and Technology Subject Field will enable teachers to
support students’ learning by encouraging teaching in real-life contexts.
This means relating the skills and knowledge of subjects to real life
situations. People from the community could be involved in learning
activities to help teach skills and traditional knowledge where

A key focus of the Design and Technology Subject Field is to provide all
students with real life and relevant learning experiences. There is a clear
emphasis on the development of practical skills and knowledge that will
ensure students are able to achieve and maintain a sustainable way of
life beyond their school years. Learning in the Design and Technology
Subject Field should provide students with opportunities to make
connections with their communities and draw from their cultural,
linguistic and everyday knowledge, skills and attitudes and apply this to
what is being learnt in their classrooms. It is essential that students are
aware of and value community and local knowledge and realise that
learning takes place inside and outside the school context.
Language development across the curriculum
Language development across the curriculum should be encouraged
because all subject areas provide meaningful contexts for real purpose
learning. The Design and Technology Subject Field has different
language requirements such as vocabulary and language features which
must be explicitly taught in relevant contexts across the subject.


Lower Secondary Syllabus

Lifelong learning
Design and Technology Subject Field is an important part of a student’s
education but learning continues throughout life. The experiences that
students have in the Design and Technology Subject Field are critical in
encouraging them to continue learning throughout their lives. Students
know many things when they come to school. They will learn many
things outside of school and continue to learn after they leave school.
The curriculum should build on what students already know. Important
learning in the Design and Technology Subject Field will continue
throughout life. Increasingly, students who leave school will look for
opportunities to continue their education and to return to school or some
other educational or training institutions in order to improve their
qualifications. Skills learnt in the Design and Technology Subject Field
will be very important in future life.
Relevant and meaningful teaching and learning in the Design and
Technology Subject Field can be provided by integrating knowledge and
skills into or from a range of subjects such as Business Studies, Art,
Science and Agriculture so that practical activities or projects are like
real life situations.

The Design and Technology Subject Field Syllabuses will provide
students with opportunities to be involved in decision making about their
learning, such as the selection of projects and areas of interests.
Students will have the opportunity to actively participate in a range of
learning contexts, both school based and community based.
The Department of Education requires all teachers to have a duty of
care. All students have a duty to act responsibly and safely at all times.
Teachers and students must follow safety instructions and procedures at
all times. The school must observe all safety requirements as instructed
by the Secretary for Education

Design and Technology Subject Field teachers and students must be
particularly safety conscious when using tools and equipment. All tools
and equipment should be maintained in a safe condition. Protective
clothing must be worn when necessary and appropriate safety gear such
as eye and ear protection must be used at all times when needed.


Design and Technology Syllabus

Aims of Design and Technology Subject Field
In the Design and Technology Subject Field students:

• take a safe and active part in designing and making projects that are
linked to their own interests, industrial practice and the community

• are responsible citizens who gain the necessary qualities and skills
in order to live happily and productively in the communities in which
they choose to live and serve

• apply what they are learning to life and work-related situation for the
common good

• develop a culture of enterprise and wealth creation for the benefit of
themselves and their societies as a whole

• adapt new technologies directly and appropriately to their
environment and their own social and economic needs

• are creative, innovative and rationale thinkers in their response to


Lower Secondary Syllabus

Content overview
Students may choose up to two of the following subjects to study within
the Design and Technology Subject Field. If students study two subjects,
each subject must be studied for five periods a week.

1. Practical
2. Home
3. Computing
Design and Technology
Broad learning outcomes
The Design and Technology Subject Field broad learning outcomes are
statements that identify the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values all
students should achieve or demonstrate by the end of Grade 10.

The broad learning outcomes for the Design and Technology Subject
Field are:

1. use the design process to produce appropriate solutions

2. apply safe and appropriate codes and practices in the classroom and

3. apply knowledge and understanding through identifying, selecting
and using various materials or systems

4. demonstrate a range of practical skills and techniques

5. evaluate the appropriateness of materials or systems used to
produce a product

6. communicate ideas and information in a variety of ways.
The strands describe the dimensions of the subject field. They are
broad, organising structures that define ways of approaching learning in
the Design and Technology Subject Field. They incorporate cross-
curriculum learnings and skills and are ‘woven’ through the units within
the Design and Technology Subject Field.

The strands for the Design and Technology Subject Field are planning,
making, marketing and evaluating.


Design and Technology Syllabus

Planning and designing is about identifying, exploring, developing, applying, communicating and
evaluating ideas.
When students plan and design they:

• identify a problem
• clarify /explain the problem
• explore and generate ideas for design solutions
• share ideas with a range people
• make appropriate design choices in terms of cost and availability of
• conduct a needs analysis through questioning/interviewing
• collect and collate data
• develop market research
• model or trial the design solution
• develop and refine the idea
• plan to action the design solution.
Making is about producing and constructing products and processes to meet identified needs.
When students make they:

• action a design solution individually or cooperatively
• select and work with a range of tools and materials safely and
• manage time and resources effectively
• develop an understanding of the positive and negative consequence
that the production, use and disposal of a product or process could
have on a community
• develop a range of skills to work with accuracy to produce a quality
• adapt ideas and plans in response to constraints and difficulties.
Marketing is about advertising, selling and profit.
When students market a product they:

• recognize and meet the needs of the user or buyer
• calculate selling prices and keep a record of sales
• calculate production costs and determine profit
• develop and use competitive marketing strategies
• explore ways to effectively advertise and sell products
• investigate ways to value add to products
• consider alternative ways that a product can be used effectively if it
is not marketable.

Lower Secondary Syllabus

Evaluating is about questioning, examining, assessing and reviewing.
When students evaluate they:

• review the outcome to check that it successfully meets the needs of
the design brief
• reflect on the process of designing, planning, making and marketing
to see if the parts of process could be improved for future products
• determine if the outcome works or if it could be modified and
• analyse the viability of the product to decide on continuation or
possibility of exploring.


Design and Technology Syllabus

Grades 9 and 10 units
The content for each subject in this syllabus is organised into units
within a framework. Each unit has specific learning outcomes which link
with the broad learning outcomes of the subject field, topics, indications
of what must be studied in each topic, assessment criteria and
assessment tasks.

The subjects are made up of core and option units. Many of the option
units can be developed by the school and will depend on the school’s
available resources, the interests of the students, and the local
community. Vocational education and training units can be taught as
option units.
Unit description for Practical Skills, Home
Economics, Computing and Design and Technology

Each unit in each subject fits within a framework, and is designed to be
taught in ten weeks. This framework is designed to give students the
opportunity to experience the design process in designing, making,
marketing and evaluating through a design project approach using a
range of technologies such as metal, timber, construction, welding,
plumbing, village technologies including traditional handicrafts, electrical
technologies, textile technologies, food technologies, integrated
technologies and computer technologies. Each stage of the design
process is a strand that provides both content and process.

The teacher will outline the design task or project that the students will
complete. When developing design tasks teachers are required to
integrate essential content through the focus area of study. The unit will
focus on the introduction of basic skills and processes used in
construction or making of items or products. The unit will involve
students in the creative manipulation of materials and safe use and
maintenance of basic tools. Students will experience challenges through
successfully following a design brief to achieve desirable outcomes. The
needs and interests of students should be addressed when developing
design tasks or projects.

Design tasks should involve designing, making and evaluating and at
times marketing quality products or items that are functional and meet
identified needs or opportunities. Students must undertake at least one
design project each term. The project will usually take ten weeks where

• develop a design brief and apply action, time and budget plans in
design projects
• identify suitable materials, tools and techniques for each design
• practice and refine skills needed for the design project
• apply the design process that responds to needs and opportunities

Lower Secondary Syllabus

• produce solutions, products or items reflecting quality standards
appropriate to the design project.

For each design task students will develop a design folio as a document
that provides ongoing evidence of the application of a design process
and the specific technologies used in this process. The design folio will
form part of the assessment.
Design Brief
A design brief outlines the task or project that students will be expected to complete.
A design brief consists of:

• a
• a
• constraints
• a
• making
• evaluating
• marketing

The context explains the content and the purpose of the task or project.

The task provides clear instruction about the task or project.

The constraints specify directions or place limitations on the design

The design encourages students to investigate, identify, explore,
develop, apply and communicate their design ideas.

engages students in producing and constructing.

n asks students to question, examine, assess and to review.

encourages students to think about advertising, selling and
making a profit.
Skills taught and learnt
When students work with a design brief they;

• analyse needs, problems and opportunities
• plan
• establish criteria for success
• research
• generate creative ideas
• communicate
• experiment and test ideas
• manage
• use mathematical ideas and techniques

Design and Technology Syllabus

• produce design solutions
• evaluate ideas and solutions
• learn time management skills.
In each unit, workshop or classroom safety must be
considered and taught

Importance of workshop safety in relation to:

• personal
− back strain
− repetitive strain injury
− eye strain
• materials safety
• tools and equipment safety
− electrical
− sharp tools, blades
• care and maintenance of tools and equipment
• poisoning.
HIV/AIDS awareness in the workshop
• treatment of blood injuries.
Skills taught and learnt:
• responsible and safe use of a range of tools, materials and
techniques in the workshop, kitchen and computer laboratory.

Lower Secondary Syllabus

Practical Skills


Practical skills
Practical Skills units
For Practical Skills, students must complete core unit 9.1, Technical drawing in Grade 9 Term 1,
core unit 9.2, Working with wood in Grade 9 Term 2 and core unit 10.1,
Building Construction in Grade 10 Term 1 and any four Practical Skills
option units.
Grade 9 units - Core
• Technical

• Working with wood
Grade 9 units - Options
Timber technology units 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
such as:

• Outdoor
• Animal
• Ornaments
• Toys
• Musical
• Indoor
• School
• Storage

Village technologies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 such as:

• Basket weaving
• Cane craft
• Handicraft
• Bamboo
• Pandanus craft.
Grade 10 units - Core
• Building construction 1
Grade 10 units - Options
• Building construction 2
• Welding
• Plumbing
• Metal
• Concrete
• Electrical
• Integrated
• Timber technologies1, 2, 3, 4, 5
• School developed units
• Vocational education and training units


Lower Secondary Syllabus

Unit learning outcomes mapped to broad learning outcomes


Use the
Apply safe
Demonstrate Evaluate the
a range of
appropriaten Communicat
process to
ess of
e ideas and
codes and
understandin skills and
materials or information
appropriate practices in
g through
techniques. systems
in a variety

used to
of ways

selecting and
produce a

using various
materials or

Apply technical Apply
Unit 9.1 technical
knowledge and drawing
understanding techniques to
Drawing techniques to
of the
produce a
techniques to
produce a
range of
produce a
range of
use of
range of
All Core Use the
Apply safe and Apply
Use the
Use the
knowledge and practical skills design
Option process to
codes and
understanding and
process to
process to
practices in the through

classroom and identifying,

selecting and

using various

materials or

Evaluate the Evaluate the
appropriaten appropriaten
ess of
ess of
materials or materials or
systems used
used to
to produce a
produce a

Practical skills
9.1 Technical drawing
Term 1
10 weeks
Technical Drawing must be completed first, before students study any
other practical skills units.

Technical Drawing focuses on methods of using lettering and lines in
drawings and includes the use of basic drawing instruments and
appropriate drawing techniques. Students will apply the proper use of
drawing instruments to design and draw an object.

Learning outcomes

Students can:

9.1.1 apply technical drawing techniques to produce a range of
appropriate drawings
9.1.2 demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the appropriate
use of technical drawing techniques.


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content.
Introduction to Technical drawing
• terms and definitions
• drawing instruments and their care
• lettering
• dimensioning
• lines and borders
• scales
• set square exercises
• regular polygons
• page
• sectioning.
Projection and graphics
• pictorial drawing (freehand)
• perspective
• third angle projection (glass box)
• orthographic projection
• isometric projection
• oblique
• exploded views.


Lower Secondary Syllabus

Assessment Task One
Drawing folio
Students will be expected to keep a folio of drawing exercises which
range from the simple to complex. The folio will provide a record of
student’s learning and development. All drawing exercises and
assignments should be included in the folio.
Assessment criteria
Assessment task one will be assessed on the extent to which students

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the appropriate use of
technical drawing techniques
• apply technical drawing techniques to produce appropriate drawings.

50 marks
Assessment Task Two
Written response test
Students will be required to answer a number of short answer questions
(maximum number 10) that test their level of understanding of the
concepts introduced in the unit. For example, a question may ask
students to describe the difference between drawing techniques or they
may be asked to demonstrate their understanding of lettering
Assessment Criteria
Assessment task two will be assessed on the extent to which students

• apply understanding of drawing tools and techniques to create

50 marks

Total: 100 marks


Practical skills
9.2 Working with wood
Term 2
10 weeks
Working with Wood is designed to give students the opportunity to
experience the design process in planning, making, marketing and
evaluating a design task using wood. The unit will focus on the
introduction of basic skills and processes used in the construction of
wooden items. The unit will involve students in the creative manipulation
of materials through safe use and maintenance of basic hand tools.
Students will experience challenges through successfully following a
design brief with emphasis on design factors and standards in achieving
desirable and marketable outcomes.

Learning outcomes

Students can:

apply safe and appropriate codes and practices in the
classroom and workplace
apply knowledge and understanding through identifying,
selecting and using various materials or systems
demonstrate practical skills and techniques
use the design process to produce appropriate solutions
evaluate the appropriateness of materials or systems used to
produce a product.


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content. Safety must be taught in context and proper equipment
and protective clothing used where necessary.
• characteristics and properties of timber and timber products in PNG
(e.g. types of timber, structure, defects)
• conversion of timber to products (e.g. seasoning of timber,
preservation of timber)
• fittings and hardware used with timber (e.g. hinges, handles,
catches, locks).
The function of specific tools related to timber technologies such as:
• cutting
• boring
• abrading
• percussion
• punches and screw drivers.


Lower Secondary Syllabus

Parts of specific tools and machines such as plane blades.
The selection and correct use of a range of contemporary tools used for:
• marking out and measuring - e.g. pencil, marking knife, marking
gauge, mortise gauge, steel rule, folding rule, steel tape, try squares,
fixed try and mitre square, mitre set, sliding bevel, combination
• cutting, boring, abrading and percussion
• joining –e.g. fasteners, nails, adhesives, screws and connectors
• finishing - including abrasives such as sand paper, glass paper,
garnet paper, emery cloth
• machine tools including scroll saw, drill press and disc sanding
Maintenance routines for care of equipment, materials and

• undertake regular maintenance, e.g. check electrical cords and plugs
for faults, oil blades, keep cutting sharp
• store materials, tools and equipment appropriately
• regularly clean materials, tools and equipment after use
• keep workplace environments clear and clean.
Construction techniques
• preparation – e.g. face, edge, width, thickness, length
• cutting
• joining – e.g. common joints, widening, framing
• shaping

• finishing – e.g. sanding, wood filling, polishing, waxing, painting,
varnishing, spraying
• industrial production methods.
Skills taught and learnt
• identify, select and use appropriate materials for a timber project
• select and correctly use tools of timber technology for a project
• cut, shape and finish timber or timber products
• select and use appropriate techniques for the purposes of a timber
• use appropriate surface preparations and finishes for a timber


Practical skills
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design folio and the completed product.
Design Task

Students must use the design process to design and make a product in
wood and produce a design portfolio showing the steps undertaken in
the making of the product.

The design portfolio might include:

• rough notes or sketches
• checklists
• plans
• drawings of initial design ideas
• progressive records
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• labelled drawings and diagrams
• reports.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

• provide evidence of investigation when designing/planning
including, identifying a problem or need, drawings of initial design
• document processes used to make the product and provide time line

• choose an appropriate product to make and provide reasons for final
• safely and competently use tools, skills and techniques to make the
• apply knowledge and understanding of tools, processes and systems
to make the product

• produce a product which meets the design brief
• document and evaluate the applied process and outcome and make
suggestions for future improvements if applicable.

Total: 100 marks


Lower Secondary Syllabus

Option units Timber technologies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

10 weeks
Option units Timber Technologies are based on student interest.
Examples are found in the teacher guide but schools can develop a unit
using the framework model, and teach any aspects of timber technology
that is relevant to their community and students. Schools could develop
units such as:
• Outdoor
• Animal
• Ornaments
• Toys
• Musical
• Indoor
• Indoor
• School
• Storage
Schools may also select from appropriate vocational education and training units.

Learning outcomes for every option unit

Students can:

• apply safe and appropriate codes and practices in the classroom and
• apply knowledge and understanding through identifying, selecting
and using various materials or systems
• demonstrate practical skills and techniques
• use the design process to produce appropriate solutions
• evaluate the appropriateness of materials or systems used to
produce a product.


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of content developed by the school. Safety must be taught in context
and proper equipment and protective clothing used where necessary.


Practical skills
For every option Timber Technology unit students complete the following assessment
Design Task

Students must use the design process to make a product using timber,
and produce a design portfolio showing all the steps undertaken in the
making of the product.
The design portfolio might include:
• rough notes or sketches
• checklists
• plans
• drawings of initial design ideas
• progressive records
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• labelled drawings and diagrams
• reports.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the making of the
product (design task), the design portfolio, a written test and discussion
and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the student can:
• provide evidence of investigation when designing/planning
including, identifying a problem or need, drawings of initial design
• document processes used to make the product and provide time line

• choose an appropriate product to make and provide reasons for final
• safely and competently use tools, skills and techniques to make the
• apply knowledge and understanding of tools, processes and systems
to make the product

• produce a product which meets the design brief
• document and evaluate the applied process and outcome and make
suggestions for future improvements if applicable.

Total: 100 marks

Lower Secondary Syllabus

Option units Village technologies (including traditional handicrafts)
Time 10 weeks

Option units Village Technologies are based on student interest.
Examples are found in the teacher guide but schools can develop a unit
using the framework model, and teach any aspects of village technology
that is relevant to their community and students. Schools could develop
units such as:
• Basket weaving
• Cane craft
• Handicraft
• Bamboo
• Pandanus craft.

These units provide students with the opportunity to use basic hand
tools and equipment to manipulate plant parts and combine them with
other materials to produce useful and/or marketable articles or artefacts.
Students will work through the design process to produce a product
made from materials found in the local community.

Learning outcomes

Students can:

• apply safe and appropriate codes and practices in the classroom and
• apply knowledge and understanding through identifying, selecting
and using various materials or systems
• demonstrate practical skills and techniques
• use the design process to produce appropriate solutions
• evaluate the appropriateness of materials or systems used to
produce a product.


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content.
Safety must be taught in context and proper equipment and protective
clothing used where necessary.


Characteristics and properties of a wide range of materials such as:
• bamboo

• pandanus

• coconut,
• vines
• tree
• wood
• palms


Practical skills
• pitpit

• pigs
• sea
• hard plant seeds
• animal
• feathers.

The use of materials in traditional and non-traditional ways.
• selection of specific tools related to materials appropriate to a design
project such as small knife, bush knife, broken glass, gauge, stripper
• the function and safe use of a range of contemporary tools used for
measuring, marking out, cutting, making and construction.
• traditional and non-traditional techniques used for:
− cutting or harvesting
− selection of materials
− storing materials
− shaping a variety of materials
− joining different materials
− finishing.
Skills taught and learnt
• experiment with combinations of a wide range of materials
considering their characteristics and properties
• identify how materials have been used in innovative and non-
traditional ways
• select and use a wide range of materials for the identified needs and
opportunities of a design project
• explore ways that tools can be safely used to achieve new results
• select and safely use tools and equipment for a design project.


Lower Secondary Syllabus

For every option unit of Village Technology students complete the
following assessment requirements:
Design Task

Students must use the design process to make a product or products
from a village technology.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design task.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

• provide evidence of investigation when designing/planning
including, identifying a problem or need, drawings of initial design
• document processes used to make the product and provide time line

• choose an appropriate product to make and provide reasons for final
• safely and competently use tools, skills and techniques to make the
• apply knowledge and understanding of tools, processes and systems
to make the product

• produce a product which meets the design brief
Total: 100 marks

Students are encouraged to develop products that reflect their own
needs or those of the local community.


Practical skills
10.1 Building construction
Term 1
Time 10 weeks
Building construction is a prerequisite for the following units. It must be
completed first if students study any of the following option units:
• Welding
• Plumbing
• Cementing
• Metal

Building construction is designed to give students the opportunity to
experience planning, making, and evaluating a building or a model of a
building. This unit will focus on methods of construction and includes
the use of common materials, basic hand tools, machines and
construction techniques. Students will experience design/problem-
solving concepts through the development of a design project. They will
apply the safe use and maintenance of appropriate tools, equipment and
machines related to the design and construction of a simple building.
If students wish to study this unit in more depth, it can be continued as
an option, Building construction 2.

Learning outcomes

Students can:

10.1.1 apply safe and appropriate codes and practices in the
classroom and workplace
10.1.2 apply knowledge and understanding through identifying,
selecting and using various materials or systems
10.1.3 demonstrate a range of practical skills and techniques
10.1.4 use the design process to produce appropriate solutions
10.1.5 evaluate the appropriateness of materials or systems used to
produce a product.


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content. Safety must be taught in context and proper equipment
and protective clothing used where necessary.
Building conventions and regulations
• read, understand and follow architectural drawings and building
• draw simple sketches and plans related to building construction
• identify legal requirements and procedures for:
− plans and specifications
− building permits
− reading plans.

Lower Secondary Syllabus

Characteristics of building materials such as:

• timbers
• cement
• reinforcement
• roofing
• bars
• boards.
The function of specific tools related to timber technologies such as:

• cutting
• boring
• abrading
• percussion
• punches and screw drivers.

The selection and correct use of a range of contemporary tools used for:

• marking out and measuring - e.g. pencil, marking knife, marking
gauge, mortise gauge, steel rule, folding rule, steel tape, try squares,
fixed try and mitre square, mitre set, sliding bevel, combination
• cutting, boring, abrading and percussion
• joining –e.g. fasteners, nails, adhesives, screws and connectors
• finishing - including abrasives such as sand paper, glass paper,
garnet paper, emery cloth
• machine tools including scroll saw, drill press and disc sanding

Parts of tools and machines.
Parts of specific tools, such as plane blades.
Maintenance routines for care of equipment, materials and

• undertake regular maintenance, e.g. check electrical cords and plugs
for faults, oil blades, keep cutting sharp
• store materials, tools and equipment appropriately
• regularly clean materials, tools and equipment after use
• keep workplace environments clear and clean.


Identify and explain construction and apply processes involved in the
building industry such as:

• profiles

Practical skills
• foundations
• frame
• stairs
• roofing.

Recognise and explain construction techniques such as:

• concrete
• reinforcement
• compression
• tension.

Describe materials and methods of construction for:

• walls (internal and external cladding)
• roof and trusses
• doors

• windows
• ceilings
• stairs.

Knowledge of appropriate techniques such as:

• drawing
• costing
• safe use of tools and equipment
• site preparation e.g. cleaning, levelling, filling
• floor construction e.g. levelling, fixing bearers, joists and floor boards
• construction of wall and roof frames – selection of materials,
calculations, measuring, cutting
• external and internal wall cladding - – selection of materials,
calculations, measuring, cutting
• stair construction e.g. types and components
• joinery and installation
• window and door construction e.g. types and components
• cementing e.g. mixing, finishing techniques, cutting
• plumbing e.g. fastening, cutting, clamping and pinning
• preparation of timber e.g. face, edge, width
• finishing e.g. sanding, wood filing, polishing, waxing, painting,
varnishing, spraying.
Skills taught and learnt
• identify, select and use appropriate materials for building
construction project
• select and correctly use building construction tools for a design
• prepare, cut, shape and finish timber and other materials for
construction purposes
• select and use appropriate techniques for building construction


Lower Secondary Syllabus

Design Task

Students must use the design process to plan and carry out a small
building construction project such as a model of a building and produce
a design folio showing all the steps undertaken in the making of the

The design portfolio might include:

• rough notes or sketches
• checklists
• plans
• drawings of initial design ideas
• progressive records
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• labelled drawings and diagrams
• reports.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the building
construction project, the design portfolio, a written test and discussion
and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

• provide evidence of investigation when designing/planning
including, identifying a problem or need, completion of a needs
analysis, drawings of initial design ideas

• document processes used to make the product and provide time line
for completion
• choose an appropriate product to make and provide reasons for final
• safely and competently use a range of tools, skills and techniques to
make the product

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of tools, processes and
systems to make the product

• produce a product which meets the design brief
• document evidence of market research i.e. costing, advertising and
value adding where appropriate
• document and evaluate the applied process and outcome and make
suggestions for future improvements if applicable.
Total: 100 marks


Practical skills
Option units
Building construction 2
Welding technologies
Plumbing technologies
Cement technologies
Metal technologies
Grade 10
Time 10 weeks
Building construction 2 is an option unit that can be studied by
students who wish to extend the work they have done in Building
Construction 1, by studying the content in more depth or by focussing on
different aspects of building construction.

Welding technologies
focuses on principles of operation and methods
of arc welding. Practical involves creative manipulation of materials with
safe use and maintenance of the basic hand tools, equipment welding
machines, and safety in the welding shops. It will give students the
opportunity to experience the design process in planning, making,
marketing and evaluating.
Access to a welder, electrodes and safety shield and gloves is

Plumbing technologies
is an option unit that follows Building
Construction. It is developed to give students the opportunity to
experience problem solving in plumbing. The unit will focus on fastening
techniques with the safe use of plumbing materials, tools, equipment
and machines.
Cementing technologies is developed to give students the opportunity
to experience planning, making, and evaluating a cementing work. This
unit will focus on methods of repair and maintenance dealing with the
use of common materials, basic hand tools, equipment and machines in
concreting. Practical involves the safe use and maintenance of hand
tools, equipment and machines in construction of simple concrete work.
Metal technologies is designed to give students the opportunity to
experience the design process in planning, making, marketing and
evaluating a design task using metal. The unit focuses on methods in
bench metalwork and sheet metalwork involving creative manipulation of
materials through safe use and maintenance of the basic hand tools and
equipment, metalworking machines and finishes.
Access to appropriate hand tools to safely cut, bend and join metal
is required.

The units Welding technologies, Plumbing technologies, Cementing
technologies and Metal technologies have the same learning outcomes,
assessment tasks and assessment criteria.

Lower Secondary Syllabus

Learning outcomes for every option unit
Students can:

• apply safe and appropriate codes and practices in the classroom and
• apply knowledge and understanding through identifying, selecting
and using various materials or systems
• demonstrate a range of practical skills and techniques
• use the design process to produce appropriate solutions
• evaluate the appropriateness of materials or systems used to
produce a product.

Welding technologies


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content. Safety must be taught in context and proper equipment
and protective clothing used where necessary.
Materials and tools
Functions of welding equipment and machines such as:

• AC welder
• DC welder
• metals sheets
• safety equipments
• electrodes (core wire, flux coating).
Techniques such as:

• correctly striking the arc
• operating the welding machine
• selecting the correct electrode
• welding correctly according to the given task.

Skills taught and learnt
• select and use metals in welding using a design project
• select and correctly use appropriate hand and machine tools for
welding project
• demonstrate different welding skills according to a given project.
Design Task

Students must use the design process to construct a product using
welding, using appropriate knowledge, skills and techniques.


Practical skills
Plumbing Technologies
Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content.
Tubes and guttering materials such as:

• black mild steel pipes
• galvanised mild steel pipes
• galvanised
• down

Specific trade tools related to plumbing:

• hand tools – e.g. hammers, chisels, tinsnips, hacksaw, stilsons,
multigrips, tape measure, rules, and scribers
• pneumatic and electrical power tools – e.g. hand drills, grinders,
jackhammers, chisels, jigsaws, angle grinders, shears, and nibblers.
Techniques such as:

• fastening techniques using common fasteners
• cutting
• joining a range of different materials
• clamping and pinning.
Skills taught and learnt
• select and use appropriate hand tools in a project that uses plumbing
• investigate and use accessories where appropriate for a plumbing
• systematic planning for model development.
Design Task

Students must use the design process to construct a product which uses
appropriate plumbing knowledge, skills and techniques.


Lower Secondary Syllabus

Cementing technologies
Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content.
Knowledge of the characteristics and the types of aggregates needed
such as:

• crushed hard stones
• river gravel and sand stone
• broken
• blast furnace slag and furnace ashes (coal residue)
• cement
• planning site, preparation, forming, and reinforcing tools – e.g. bush-
knives, spades and shovels, wheelbarrow, string-line, nails, claw
hammers, sledge hammers, line and spirit levels, clear hose for
water level, crosscut saw, square
• levelling, mixing and finishing tools – eg trowel, float (metal/wood) ,
edging tool, broom and brush, bucket, spades and shovels, straight
edge (timber for screening), cement mixer, mixing platform
• power tools (portable) – e.g. circular saw, electric drill, and electric
jointer plane.
Techniques such as:

• mixing
• finishing including brushed finished, wood-float finish, exposed
aggregated finish, steel trowel finish
• cutting
Skills taught and learnt
• select and use appropriate hand tools in cementing in the design
• investigate and use accessories where appropriate for a design
• systematically
planning for model development.
Design Task

Students must use the design process to construct a product which uses
appropriate cementing knowledge, skills and techniques.


Practical skills
Metal technologies
Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content.
• characteristics and properties of metals including alloys and sheet
metals e.g. galvabond, zinc anneal, zinc alum, marvi plate
• a range of appropriate fittings and hardware.
The function, selection and correct use of a range of contemporary tools
used for:

• layout, e.g. scriber, divider, trammel, centre punch
• cutting, e.g. straight tin snips, curved tin snips, universal snips,
aviation snips, hacksaw
• measuring and marking out - e.g. steel rule, engineers tri squares,
combination square, combination set, vernier caliper
• stakes and uses, e.g. funnel stakes, creasing iron, half-moon stake,
round bottom stakes
• bending and joining
• finishing, drilling and folding, e.g. pan break, rollers, guillotine.
Construction techniques including cutting, shaping, joining and finishing
metals e.g. edge treatment:

• wired
• rolled
• folded
• surface
Skills taught and learnt
• select and use metals in the development of a design project
• investigate a range of items where appropriate for a design project
• select and correctly use appropriate hand and machine tools for a
design project
• cut, shape and finish metals
• select and use appropriate techniques for the purpose of a design
Design Task

Students must use the design process to make a product, or small
products in metal, using appropriate knowledge, skills and techniques.


Lower Secondary Syllabus

Assessment for Building construction 2, Welding technologies,
Plumbing technologies, Cementing technologies, Metal technologies

The learning outcomes will be assessed through the project and a
written test.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

- provide evidence of investigation when designing/planning
including, identifying a problem or need, completion of a needs
analysis, drawings of initial design ideas

- document processes used to make the product and provide time
line for completion
- choose an appropriate product to make and provide reasons for
final choice
- safely and competently use a range of tools, skills and techniques
to make the product

- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of tools, processes
and systems to make the product

- produce a product which meets the design brief
- document evidence of market research i.e. costing, advertising
and value adding where appropriate
- document and evaluate the applied process and outcome and
make suggestions for future improvements if applicable.

Total: 100 marks
each unit

Practical skills
Option Electrical Technologies
Grade 10
10 weeks
This option unit is designed to give students the opportunity to do an
introductory unit on electrical technologies. It provides students with the
opportunity to use basic electrical components to make simple electrical

Learning outcomes

Students can:

• apply safe and appropriate codes and practices in the classroom and
• apply knowledge and understanding through identifying, selecting
and using various materials or systems
• demonstrate a range of practical skills and techniques
• use the design process to produce appropriate solutions
• evaluate the appropriateness of materials or systems used to
produce a product.


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content. Safety must be taught in context and proper equipment
and protective clothing used where necessary.
Observe and practice safety procedures such as:

• general safety
• electrical safety
• personal safety
• tools and equipment safety
• safety in power tools
• prevention and treatment of electrical shock
• fire safety.

Identify and understand the different forms of electricity:

• chemical – batteries
• mechanical – dynamo
• light
• solar cells
• heat
• pressure.
• types and functions of common electronic components such as
diodes, resistors, capacitors, switches and batteries.

Lower Secondary Syllabus

Understand the function, selection and correct use of a range of contemporary tools such as:
• multi-meter
• soldering iron
• altimeter
• de-solder
• wire strippers
• drill press.
Techniques such as:

• soldering
• drilling
• cutting.
• methods of production of simple circuits and circuit boards.
Skills taught and learnt
• identify and categorise common electronic components
• select and use electronic components for a design project
• select and correctly use tools of electronics technology for a design
• solder
• set out and construct simple circuits for a design project.


Practical skills
Assessment for Electrical technologies
Design Task

Students must use the design process to make a product using
electronic components.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design project, a
written test and discussion and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

- provide evidence of investigation when designing/planning
including, identifying a problem or need, completion of a needs
analysis, drawings of initial design ideas

- document processes used to make the product and provide time
line for completion
- choose an appropriate product to make and provide reasons for
final choice
- safely and competently use a range of tools, skills and techniques
to make the product

- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of tools, processes
and systems to make the product

- produce a product which meets the design brief
- document evidence of market research i.e. costing, advertising
and value adding where appropriate
- document and evaluate the applied process and outcome and
make suggestions for future improvements if applicable.

Total: 100 marks

Home Economics

Home Economics


Lower Secondary Syllabus
Home Economics units
To study Home Economics students must complete the three core units
and four options.
Introduction to food technology may be taught in Grade 9 or Grade 10.
All units are designed to be taught in 10 weeks.
Core units
• Fibres and fabrics
Grade 9 Options
• Basic Sewing

Textile Technologies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
such as:

• Making a meri blouse
• Designing
• Under
• Sports
• Bed
• Adapting second hand clothes
• Sewing a garment with collar, sleeves and buttons
• Tailoring – pattern drafting
• Home
• Costumes

Grade 10 Core
• Introduction to food technology (can be taught in Grade 9 or Grade 10)
• Food and nutrition
Grade 10 Options
Food technologies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
such as:

• Seafood
• Traditional
• Cooking with local produce
• Catering for parties or functions
• Catering for school students
• School developed units.

Vocational education and training units such as catering

Home Economics

Unit learning outcomes mapped to broad learning outcomes

Use the
Apply safe
Demonstrate Evaluate the

knowledge and a range of
appropriaten Communicat
D&T process to
appropriate understanding practical
ess of
e ideas and
codes and
skills and
materials or information
appropriate practices in identifying,
techniques systems
in a variety
selecting and

used to
of ways

using various
produce a

materials or
product. 22

Use the
Apply safe
Demonstrate Use the
Use the
Core design
knowledge and practical
and process to
skills and
process to
process to
Optio produce
codes and
techniques. produce
practices in

Units solutions
selecting and


using various

materials or

Evaluate the Evaluate the

appropriaten appropriaten
ess of
ess of
materials or materials or
knowledge of
systems used systems used
effect of good
to produce a to produce a
and poor
nutrition on the


Lower Secondary Syllabus
9.1 Fibres and fabrics
Term 1
10 weeks

Fibres and Fabrics provides students with the opportunity to learn about
different types of fabrics and to master skills in producing textile items. It
will focus on safe use of all sewing equipment, practice of hand and
machine sewing skills and completing different types of decoration and
fastenings. Students will demonstrate problem solving skills through a
design brief which will enable meaningful learning.

Learning outcomes

Students can:

9.1.1 apply safe and appropriate codes and practices in the classroom
and workplace
9.1.2 apply knowledge and understanding through identifying,
selecting and using various materials or systems
9.1.3 demonstrate practical skills and techniques
9.1.4 use the design process to produce appropriate solutions
9.1.5 evaluate the appropriateness of materials or systems used to
produce a product.


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content. Safety must be taught in context and proper equipment
and protective clothing used where necessary.
Characteristics and properties of different fabric types and fibres

• woven
• knits
• non-wovens
• naturals
• synthetics
• fibre
• animal
• plants.

Common weaves such as:

• plain
• pile
• twill


Home Economics
The function and correct use of a range of contemporary tools used for:

• measuring and cutting
• joining, constructing, and assembling
• embroidery
• weaving
• crochet
• colouring
• knitting.
• construction of traditional and contemporary textile items
• care and maintenance of textile products
− laundry processes
− care labels on every garment
• embellishing traditional and contemporary textile items
− colouring and decorating
− decorative dyeing techniques
− embroidery stitches
− appliqué
− screen printing
− block printing
− batik
− tapa making
− crochet
− knitting.
Skills taught and learnt
• investigate fibre properties and fabric characteristics appropriate to
the design project
• select and use appropriate textile materials for a design project
• select and correctly use appropriate tools and equipment for a textile
• select and use techniques appropriate for the purposes of a textiles


Lower Secondary Syllabus
Design Task
Students must use the design process to make textile products, and
produce a design portfolio showing all the steps undertaken in the
making of the product.

The design portfolio might include:

• notes

• checklists
• progressive records
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• samples.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design project, the
design portfolio, a written test and discussion and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the student can:
• provide evidence of investigation when designing/planning
including, identifying a problem or need, drawings of initial design
• document processes used to make the product and provide time line

• choose an appropriate product to make and provide reasons for final
• safely and competently use tools, skills and techniques to make the
• apply knowledge and understanding of tools, processes and systems
to make the product

• produce a product which meets the design brief
• document and evaluate the applied process and outcome and make
suggestions for future improvements if applicable.

Total: 100 marks


Home Economics
Option unit Basic sewing

Basic sewing is an option unit which provides students with the
opportunity to plan, draft and produce fabric items and to master basic
sewing skills .This unit will focus on the safe use of all sewing
equipment, practice of hand and machine sewing skills and doing
different types of embroidery and using fasteners. Students will
demonstrate problem solving skills through the design brief which will
enable meaningful leaning.

Learning outcomes

Students can:

apply safe and appropriate codes and practices in the classroom
and workplace

apply knowledge and understanding through identifying, selecting
and using various materials or systems

demonstrate practical skills and techniques to produce basic hand
stitches, embroidery work and attach fasteners

use the design process to produce appropriate solutions

evaluate the appropriateness of materials or systems used to
produce a product.


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content. Safety must be taught in context and proper equipment
and protective clothing used where necessary.
• safe use and care of basic sewing equipment such as needles,
• safe use and care of sewing machines available in PNG.
• use sewing tools and equipment such as sewing machines, needle
and thread, embroidery needles and cottons, to produce samples of:
− basic hand stitches (tacking stitch, running stitch, back stitch,
hemming stitch)
− embroidery/ decorative stitches (chain stitch, stem stitch, satin
stitch, blanket stitch)
− basic seams (open seams, flat seams, french seams)
• attach different types of fasteners
− hook and eye
− press studs
− buttons and button holes
− zippers
− tape ties.


Lower Secondary Syllabus
Skills taught and learnt
• investigate properties and characteristics of a range of basic sewing
techniques appropriate to the design project
• select and correctly use appropriate tools and equipment for a
sewing project
• select and use techniques appropriate for the purposes of a sewing

Design Task

Students must use the design process to make a product using basic
sewing techniques.

The design portfolio might include, for example:

• notes

• checklists
• patterns and drafts
• progressive records
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• samples.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design project, and a written test and
discussion and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the student can:
• provide evidence of investigation when designing/planning
including, identifying a problem or need, drawings of initial design
• document processes used to make the product and provide time line

• choose an appropriate product to make and provide reasons for final
• safely and competently use tools, skills and techniques to make the
• apply knowledge and understanding of tools, processes and systems
to make the product

• produce a product which meets the design brief

• document and evaluate the applied process and outcome and make
suggestions for future improvements if applicable.

Total: 100 marks


Home Economics
Option units
Textile technologies 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Grade 9 or 10
10 weeks

Textile Technology option units are based on student interest. Schools
can teach any aspects of textile technology that is relevant to their
community and students. Schools could develop units such as:

• Making a meri blouse
• Designing modern clothes
• Making
• Sports
• Bed
• Adapting Second hand clothes
• Sewing a garment with collar, sleeves and buttons
• Tailoring – pattern drafting
• Home
• Costumes for school performances.

Learning outcomes for every option unit

Students can:

• apply safe and appropriate codes and practices in the classroom and
• apply knowledge and understanding through identifying, selecting
and using various materials or systems
• demonstrate practical skills and techniques
• use the design process to produce appropriate solutions
• evaluate the appropriateness of materials or systems used to
produce a product.


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of content developed by the school.


Lower Secondary Syllabus
For every option unit, students complete the following assessment requirements:
Design Task

Students must use the design process to make textile products, and
produce a design portfolio of patterns and designs of garments showing
all the steps undertaken in the making of the product.

The design portfolio might include, for example:

• notes

• checklists
• patterns and drafts
• progressive records
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• samples.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design project, the
design portfolio, a written test and discussion and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

• provide evidence of investigation when designing/planning
including, identifying a problem or need, drawings of initial design
• document processes used to make the product and provide time line

• choose an appropriate product to make and provide reasons for final
• safely and competently use tools, skills and techniques to make the
• apply knowledge and understanding of tools, processes and systems
to make the product

• produce a product which meets the design brief

• document and evaluate the applied process and outcome and make
suggestions for future improvements if applicable.

Total: 100 marks

Home Economics
10.1 Introduction to food technologies
Term 1
10 weeks
Students must study Introduction to food technologies and Food and
nutrition. These units must be completed before students can study any
other food technology option units.

Introduction to food technologies is a core unit, which will enable
students to identify the equipment used in the kitchen and to be able use
them appropriately and competently. The students learn care and safety
involved in using kitchen equipment or tools and will develop the
knowledge of safe and hygienic food preparation.

Learning outcomes

Students can:

10.1.1 apply safe and appropriate codes and practices in the
classroom and workplace
10.1.2 apply knowledge and understanding through identifying,
selecting and using various materials or systems
10.1.3 demonstrate a range of practical skills and techniques
10.1.4 use the design process to produce appropriate solutions
10.1.5 evaluate the appropriateness of materials or systems used to
produce a product.


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content. Safety must be taught in context and proper equipment
and protective clothing used where necessary.
• safety and safety rules in the kitchen
• safety when handling sharp tools/equipment
• safe handling of electrical appliances
• types of home accidents, care and first aid treatment
• safety when lighting gas stoves/kerosene stoves/wood stoves.
Characteristics and properties of foods appropriate to a design project:

• different food sources
− the foods that can be eaten raw (e.g. fruits and various
vegetables used in salads)
− meat
− seafood
− milk and milk products
− eggs
− fruits

Lower Secondary Syllabus
• vegetables, cereal and cereal products
− flour and foods produced from flour
• safe gathering, handling and storage of food in hot climate.
Tools, utensils and appliances
Use, cleaning and care of stoves:

• wood
• kerosene
• gas
• electric

Parts of a stove

The functions and correct and safe use of a variety of contemporary
food utensils and appliances used for:

• cutting

• measuring

• preparation
• processing

Recipes including the format and abbreviations commonly used.
Maintenance routines for care of equipment and materials
• undertake regular maintenance, e.g. check electrical cords and plugs
for faults, keep cutting edges sharp
• store materials and equipment appropriately
• regularly clean materials and equipment after use
• keep kitchens clear and clean.
• hygiene
− personal
− kitchen
− food
• reasons for cooking food, ways of cooking food and the positive and
negative effects types of cooking has on food
− boiling
− steaming
− mumu
− dry heat – baking and roasting
− frying – shallow and deep
− smoking
• specific techniques used in
− food preparation
− food processing
− cooking food
• presenting food for visual appeal.


Home Economics
Skills taught and learnt
• identify common properties of food within each of the food groups
• select and prepare food for a design project
• select and correctly use a variety of appropriate food utensils and
appliances to prepare quality food items for a design project
• select, interpret and/or modify/develop recipes for a design project.

Lower Secondary Syllabus
Design Task
Students must use the design process to make food products, and
produce a design portfolio showing all the steps undertaken in the
making of the product.

The design portfolio might include:

• rough notes or sketches
• checklists
• plans
• recipes
• budgets
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• labelled drawings and diagrams
• reports.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design project, the
design portfolio, a written test and discussion and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the student can:
• provide evidence of investigation when designing/planning
including, identifying a problem or need, completion of a needs
analysis, drawings of initial design ideas

• document processes used to make the product and provide time line
for completion
• choose an appropriate product to make and provide reasons for final
• safely and competently use a range of tools, skills and techniques to
make the product

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of tools, processes and
systems to make the product

• produce a product which meets the design brief
• document evidence of market research i.e. costing, advertising and
value adding where appropriate
• document and evaluate the applied process and outcome and make
suggestions for future improvements if applicable.

Total: 100 marks

Home Economics
10.2 Food and nutrition
Term 2
10 weeks
Food and Nutrition teaches students to design healthy food menus and
produce food products using appropriate materials, tools and equipment
safely and competently. Students will apply the principles of nutrition,
food preparation and presentation and explore the relationship between
health and food selection. Students are able to show skills in decision-
making and problem solving by applying knowledge of food nutrients
and their application in situations that individuals and families face in
everyday life. This could include maximising the nutrition value of foods
for individuals with special dietary requirements or making
recommendations for improvement in the nutrition value of menus.

Learning outcomes

Students can:

apply safe and appropriate codes and practices in the
classroom and workplace
demonstrate knowledge of effect of good and poor nutrition on
the body
demonstrate practical skills and techniques
use the design process to produce appropriate solutions
evaluate the appropriateness of materials or systems used to
produce a product.


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content.
Essential nutrients
Essential nutrients for good health - carbohydrates, protein, oils (lipids),
vitamins and minerals:

• the functions of nutrients in the human body
• list the main food sources
• recommended daily intake and how to use the information
• identify and explain nutrition-related diseases
• understand and explain digestion, absorption and metabolism.
Special nutritional requirements
Nutritional requirements for specific age groups such as:

• children
• pregnant and lactating women
• the
• sports

Lower Secondary Syllabus
• active/passive
• invalids.
Processing food
Function and nutritional consequences of food changing processes such

• freezing
• drying
• preserving, e.g. smoking salting
• processing, e.g. fermenting and cooking.
Safety and hygiene
Safe food preparation and hygiene standards and techniques:

• personal
• kitchen
• food
• thawing, cooking times and temperatures.

Regulations in the food industry
Skills taught and learnt
• select appropriate and nutritious food for a range of circumstances
• select appropriate equipment and apply suitable techniques when
preparing food
• use safe and hygienic practices when handling and preparing food.


Home Economics
Design Task

Students must use the design process to make nutritious food products,
and produce a design portfolio showing all the steps undertaken in the
making of the product.

The design portfolio might include:

• rough notes or sketches
• checklists
• plans
• recipes
• budgets
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• labelled drawings and diagrams
• reports.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design project, the
design portfolio, a written test and discussion and reflection
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

• provide evidence of investigation when designing/planning
including, identifying a problem or need, completion of a needs
analysis, drawings of initial design ideas

• document processes used to make the product and provide time line
for completion
• choose an appropriate product to make and provide reasons for final
• safely and competently use a range of tools, skills and techniques to
make the product

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of tools, processes and
systems to make the product

• produce a product which meets the design brief
• document evidence of market research i.e. costing, advertising and
value adding where appropriate
• document and evaluate the applied process and outcome and make
suggestions for future improvements if applicable.

Total: 100 marks

Lower Secondary Syllabus
Option Food technologies 1, 2, 3, 4
Grade 10
10 Weeks
Food technology option units teach students to produce food products
using appropriate materials, tools and equipment safely and
competently. Students will apply the principles of food preparation and
presentation and explore the relationship between health and food
selection. Students will demonstrate safe food practices and investigate
the effect technology has on production and preservation of food.
Students will complete food practical tasks often working in cooperative

Food technologies options can be completed in either Grade 9 or Grade

Food technology option units are based on student interest. Schools can
teach any aspects of food technology that is relevant to their community
and students. School can develop units such as:

• Seafood
• International
• Traditional
• Cooking with local produce
• Catering for parties or functions
• School
• Food preservation.

Learning outcomes for every Food technologies option unit

Students can:

apply safe and appropriate codes and practices in the classroom
and workplace

apply knowledge and understanding through identifying, selecting
and using various materials or systems

demonstrate knowledge of effect of good and poor nutrition on the

use the design process to produce appropriate solutions

evaluate the appropriateness of materials or systems used to
produce a product.


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of content developed by the school. Safety must be taught in context
and proper equipment and protective clothing used where necessary.


Home Economics
For every option unit students complete the following assessment requirements.
Design Task

Students must use the design process to make nutritious food products,
and produce a portfolio of recipes showing all the instructions needed for
the making of the product. The portfolio might include:

• notes

• checklists
• recipes

progressive records
• budgets
• sample

work samples with comments written by the teacher.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design project, the
design portfolio, a written test and discussion and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

provide evidence of investigation when designing/planning
including, identifying a problem or need, completion of a needs
analysis, drawings of initial design ideas

document processes used to make the product and provide time
line for completion

choose an appropriate product to make and provide reasons for
final choice

safely and competently use a range of tools, skills and techniques
to make the product

demonstrate knowledge and understanding of tools, processes and
systems to make the product

produce a product which meets the design brief

document evidence of market research i.e. costing, advertising and
value adding where appropriate

document and evaluate the applied process and outcome and
make suggestions for future improvements if applicable.

Total: 100 marks


Lower Secondary Syllabus
Option Integrated technologies
Grade 9 and 10
10 weeks
In this unit students will use a number of different technologies to
produce a product.

Learning outcomes

Students can:

apply safe and appropriate codes and practices in the classroom
and workplace

apply knowledge and understanding through identifying, selecting
and using various materials or systems

demonstrate a range of practical skills and techniques

use the design process to produce appropriate solutions

evaluate the appropriateness of materials or systems used to
produce a product.

Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content. Safety must be taught in context and proper equipment
and protective clothing used where necessary.
Characteristics and properties of a wide range of materials such as:

• metals
• polymers
• textiles
• timber

village materials and resources

the use of materials in traditional and non-traditional ways.
Specific tools related to materials appropriate to a design project.

The function and safe use of a range of contemporary tools used for:

• measuring

• marking
• cutting
• construction.
Traditional and non-traditional techniques used for:


Home Economics
• cutting

shaping a variety of materials

joining different materials
• finishing.
Skills taught and learnt
• experiment with combinations of a wide range of materials
considering their characteristics and properties
• identify how materials have been used in innovative and non-
traditional ways
• select and use a wide range of materials for the identified needs and
opportunities of a design project
• explore ways that tools can be safely used to achieve new results
• select and safely use tools and equipment for a design project
• experiment with traditional and non-traditional techniques
• select and use traditional and non-traditional techniques for the
identified needs and opportunities of a design project.


Lower Secondary Syllabus
Design Task

Students must use the design process to make products from a variety
of technologies, and produce a design portfolio showing all the steps
undertaken in the making of the product.

The design portfolio might include, for example:

• rough notes or sketches
• drawings or plans
• checklists
• progressive records
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• drafts.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design project, the
design portfolio, a written test and discussion and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

• provide evidence of investigation when designing/planning
including, identifying a problem or need, completion of a needs
analysis, drawings of initial design ideas

• document processes used to make the product and provide time line
for completion
• choose an appropriate product to make and provide reasons for final
• safely and competently use a range of tools, skills and techniques to
make the product

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of tools, processes and
systems to make the product

• produce a product which meets the design brief
• document evidence of market research i.e. costing, advertising and
value adding where appropriate
• document and evaluate the applied process and outcome and make
suggestions for future improvements if applicable.

Total: 100 marks



Lower Secondary Syllabus
Computing units
In Grade 9 Computing students must complete the three core units
before selecting an option unit. All Grade 10 units are options.
Keyboarding is integrated into all Grade 9 core units.
Grade 9
Computer basics1, 2
Word processing
Presentation graphics
Grade 10
Information management
Spreadsheets 1
Word processing 2
Spreadsheets 2
The internet
School developed units

Computer Basics
Year 9
Word Processing
Year 9
Year 9
Spreadsheet s 1
Processing 2
& 2
Developed Unit
Year 10
Year 10
Year 10
Year 10


Lower Secondary Syllabus
Unit learning outcomes mapped to broad learning outcomes

Use the
Apply safe
Demonstrate Evaluate the Communicate
a range of
appropriaten ideas and
process to
ess of
codes and
understandin skills and
materials or
in a variety of
practices in
g through
techniques. systems used ways

to produce a

selecting and
product. 22
using various
materials or
Use the
Identify and
Describe a
Evaluate the
Unit –
range of
appropriatene ideas and
process to
practices used appropriate
ss of materials information in
Comput produce an
when dealing use of a range applications
or systems
a variety of
with data and of hardware
used to
Basics solutions
produce a

and peripheral

Use ethical
Use word
Use word
Use word
unit –
produce and
produce and
when dealing application for application for evaluate
application for
specific tasks specific tasks appropriate
specific tasks
Processi solutions to a information

solutions to a
range of
and software
range of

Design and
Use ethical
unit –
and use a
and use a
and use a
when dealing presentation
Present solutions to a with
range of
Graphic problems
and software that is suitable that is suitable
that is suitable

for specific
for specific
for specific


Identify and
use problem-
when creating
a presentation
Option Design,
Use ethical
Unit –
produce and
and use
and use
produce and
produce and
Spreads evaluate
when dealing software
heet 1& appropriate
programs that programs that appropriate
solutions to a information
are suitable for are suitable for solutions to a solutions to a
range of
and software specific tasks specific tasks range of
range of

Identify and
Identify and

use problem-
use problem-
made when
when creating when creating information
spread sheet spread sheet and software


Use the
Apply safe
Demonstrate Evaluate the Communicate
a range of
appropriaten ideas and
process to
ess of
codes and
understandin skills and
materials or
in a variety of
practices in
g through
techniques. systems used ways

to produce a

selecting and
product. 22
using various
materials or
Option Determine
Identify and
Identify and
Describe a
Unit –
use problem-
use problem-
range of past,
Informat solutions to a practices used solving
made when
current and
range of
when dealing processes
Manage problems
with the

accessing and accessing and
and software





Describe a

range of past,
current and
and software
Option Design,
Use ethical
Identify and
Unit –
produce and
and use
use problem-
and use
when dealing software
made when
Process appropriate
programs that processes
programs that
ing 2
solutions to a information
are suitable for when creating information
are suitable for
range of
and software specific tasks solutions
and software specific tasks


Identify and

use problem-
produce and
when creating
solutions to a
range of
Option Design,
Describe a
Identify and
Unit –
produce and
range of past, use problem-
produce and
current and
Internet appropriate
when dealing emerging
when dealing
solutions to a with
when creating solutions to a with
range of
and software solutions
range of
and software technologies
and software


Describe a

range of past,
made when
current and
and software and software


Lower Secondary Syllabus
1. Entry
Computer basics 1 assumes that students have no
previous computing experience. This unit is to be completed before
any other computer unit (except Keyboarding) is taken. Students
with previous computing experience may complete this unit in a very
short time and progress to other computing units.
2. Word processing 1 has Computer basics 1 as a pre-requisite.
3. Presentation graphics 1 and any option unit have both Word
processing 1 and Computer basics 1 as pre-requisites.
4. Links to other subject areas can be made using the unit Word
processing 1 and Presentation graphics 1. Students could bring
material from other subject areas and prepare reports and
5. Keyboarding could be undertaken without completing any other
unit. It would consist of formal training in keyboarding. Teacher skills
to instruct students may be a problem here but software is available
to run this module as a Computer Aided Instruction type course.
Students could use computers outside the classroom (eg Library
computers). Keyboarding would be a good link to further vocational
studies for students leaving school in year 10.
6. When students complete the 3 units they would have a good
grounding for further computing in grades 11 and 12 or vocational
7. The option unit system allows classes to proceed at their own rate. If
students complete the core units in less than the assigned time
option units could be undertaken.
8. Computer basics 1, Word processing 1and Presentation
graphics 1 could be completed in Year 9 (assuming 5 periods a
week is allocated) or with less teaching time per week 2 years could
be taken.
9. Schools that have the resources could complete the 3 basic units
and then choose units from the option list


9.1 Computer basics 1, 2
Term 1 and /or Term 2
10 weeks
This unit, Computer Basics, introduces students to a computer. It
assumes that students have no previous computing experience. This unit
is to be completed before any other computer unit (except Keyboarding)
is taken.

Access to a computer word processing, spreadsheet and
presentation graphics applications is required.

Learning outcomes

Students can:

9.1.1 identify and demonstrate appropriate use of a range of hardware
components and peripheral devices
9.1.2 describe ethical practices used when dealing with data and
9.1.3 describe a range of computer applications
9.1.4 use the design process to produce appropriate solutions
9.1.5 evaluate the appropriateness of materials or systems used to
produce a product.


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content. Safety must be taught in context and ergonomic furniture
provided and used where necessary.
What is a computer and what is it made up of?
• identify basic computer hardware components and peripheral devices:
− keyboard and mouse
− printer

− hard drive

floppy drive
− disk


− headphones/speakers

• use and understand basic computer related terms:
− login (log-in)

− icon


− hour glass/busy

word processor
− internet


− maximize


− directory

open file and folder
− edit


− software


− software piracy

license agreement

• care and appropriate use of hardware
− keyboard and mouse

Lower Secondary Syllabus
− computer disks
− CD-Rom
− turn computer off/on independently
− special keyboard keys (shift key, arrow keys, spacebar,
backspace, enter key)
Computer applications - introduction
• create and save a new document
− use save
• open, view, and print documents
− print entire file
− use print preview
• format documents
− selecting font style and size.
Presentation skills
• prepare an electronic presentation
− identify intended use
− create and edit slides/screens
− add and edit text (font, size, colour)
− add a suitable background
• change the look of your presentation
− arrange objects on the slide/screen
− insert graphics and/or clip art
− save
• save a presentation as a new and/or existing presentation and close
the file.
Spreadsheet skills
• create and save spreadsheets
− identify intended use
− determine columns and rows
− create simple calculation formulas
− enter and edit data
• open, view, and print spreadsheets
− print entire file
− use print preview
• save
− save a spreadsheet as a new and/or existing spreadsheet and
close the file.
File management
• use basic computer management skills
− demonstrate ability to access and exit software
− demonstrate ability to manage files (saving, retrieving)
− demonstrate ability to organize files (renaming, deleting, copying,
moving, folder creation and deletion)
− demonstrate ability to use disk utilities (formatting, copying,
deleting, creating backup, saving).


Computer networking and telecommunication skills (option)
• use the network:
− demonstrate appropriate use of log-in numbers/names
− demonstrate appropriate use of network printing
− save files to individual home directories
− access on-line information for research
− access information from a directory
− send and receive electronic mail
− set up user passwords.

Design Task

Students must use the design process to complete a task or project using
a computer. They must develop a portfolio showing all the steps
undertaken during the task or project.

The design portfolio might include, for example:

• rough notes or sketches
• checklists
• progressive records
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• drafts.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design project, the
design portfolio, a written test and discussion and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

• identify and demonstrate appropriate use of a range of hardware
• describe ethical practices used when dealing with data and
• describe a range of applications and their purpose
• develop a product using a computer.

Total: 100 marks


Lower Secondary Syllabus
9.2 Word processing
Term 2 and/or 3
10 weeks
In this unit students will learn the function and capabilities of what is
probably the most widely used computer application, i.e., a word
processor. Students will develop skills that they can use in various
situations. Students will apply their skills to produce simple documents.

Access to a computer with word processing application required.

Learning outcomes

Students can:

9.2.1 use word processing application for specific tasks
9.2.2 design, produce and evaluate appropriate solutions to a range of
9.2.3 use ethical practices when dealing with information and software


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content.
Safety must be taught in context and ergonomic furniture provided and
used where necessary.
Fundamental computer skills (review and extend on Computer
Basics 1)

• care and appropriate use of hardware
− identify the functions and advantages of computer productivity
− word processing.
File management (review and extend on Computer Basics 1)
• use basic computer management skills
− access and exit software
− manage files (saving, retrieving)
− organise files (renaming, deleting, copying, moving, folder creation
and deletion)
− use disk utilities (formatting, copying, deleting, creating backup,
Word processing
• create and save a new document
− identify intended use
− use save and save as


• open, view, and print documents
− print entire file
− use print preview
− print selected parts
• format documents
− select font style and size
− word spacing
− indent
− justify text
− line spacing
− change case
− select page orientation
− margins
− setting tabs
− using headers, footers and pagination
• edit text
− changing font style and size
− cutting, copying, pasting, and deleting text
− using spell check
− using thesaurus
− using find and replace feature
• use desktop publishing techniques
− inserting graphics
− sizing graphics
− columns
− tables
• use a word processor in real world context to, for example:
− write stories or poems
− type reports
− generate letters
− create a resume
− create a formal report for another subject/unit.


Lower Secondary Syllabus
Design Task

Students must use the design process to make a product using a variety
of word processing techniques and produce a design portfolio showing all
the steps undertaken in the making of the product.
The design portfolio might include, for example:
• rough notes or sketches
• checklists
• progressive records
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• drafts.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design project, the
design portfolio, a written test and discussion and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

• demonstrate knowledge of and skills in experimenting, generating and
communicating ideas and solutions using a word processor
• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of, and skills in, the
responsible selection and ethical use of word processing skill
• apply a broad range of appropriate techniques with competence in the
development of a word processed document

• produce solutions that respond to the design project

• apply appropriate evaluation techniques throughout the design
Total: 100 marks

9.3 Presentation graphics
Term 4
10 weeks
In this unit students will learn skills of presenting material in effective
ways through the use of applications such as Power Point. Students will
apply their skills to create simple presentations.

Access to a computer with presentation graphics application

Learning outcomes

Students can:

9.3.1 recognise and use a presentation graphics application that is
suitable for specific tasks
9.3.2 identify and use problem-solving processes when creating a
9.3.3 design and produce appropriate solutions to a range of problems
9.3.4 use ethical practices when dealing with information and software


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content. Safety must be taught in context and ergonomic furniture
provided and used where necessary.
The presentation graphics application
Develop an understanding of the main advantages / features of a
presentation graphics application:

• prepare an electronic presentation
− create and edit slides/screens
− add and edit text (font, size, colour)
− design a presentation using 2 or more different forms of media
• change the look of your presentation
− customize the background
− arrange objects on the slide/screen
− insert graphics, clip art, and/or digital pictures
− use word art to enhance titles or to create original art
• customise

− add slide transitions to your slide show
− use sounds to enhance your presentation
− place video in your presentation (optional)
− create slide layouts for tables and/or charts
− arrange slides/screens in a logical and appropriate order
− animate text and/or graphics to add impact
• save
− save a presentation as a new and/or existing presentation and
close the file

Lower Secondary Syllabus
− save as presentation to a new location (shared directory for
presentation – (optional)
− save as a web page (optional)
• present

− open an existing multi-media project
− practice presentation skills for audience (use of microphone,
posture, delivery skills)
− deliver presentation
− create notes to have for final presentation.

Design Task

Students must use the design process to make a product using a
presentation graphics application, and produce a design portfolio showing
all the steps undertaken in the making of the product.

The design portfolio might include, for example:

• rough notes or sketches
• checklists
• progressive records
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• drafts.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design project, the
design portfolio, a written test and discussion and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

• demonstrate knowledge of and skills in experimenting, generating and
communicating ideas and solutions using a presentation graphics

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of, and skills in, the
responsible selection and ethical use of presentation graphics skills
• apply a broad range of appropriate techniques with competence in the
development of graphics presentation

• produce solutions that respond to the design project
• apply appropriate evaluation techniques throughout the design

Total: 100 marks

Grade 10 units

Spreadsheets 10
In this unit students will learn the function and capabilities of a
spreadsheet application. Students will develop skills that they can utilise
in varied situations. Students will apply their skills to create simple
spreadsheet solutions. The emphasis in this unit is to familiarise the
student with the application’s core features rather than the application of
the use of a spreadsheet.

Access to a computer with word processing and spreadsheet applications

Learning outcomes

Students can:

• recognise and use software programs that are suitable for specific
• identify and use problem-solving processes when creating spread
sheet solutions
• design, produce and evaluate appropriate solutions to a range of
• use ethical practices when dealing with information and software


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content.
Safety must be taught in context and ergonomic furniture provided and
used where necessary.
The spreadsheet
Develop an understanding of the main advantages / features of a
spreadsheet application:

• create and save spreadsheets
− identify intended use
− specify data organization
− determine columns and rows
− set cell attributes
− create simple calculation formulas
− enter and edit data
• retrieve data
− sort data
− create chart(s)
• print

• edit data
− insert column or row

Lower Secondary Syllabus
− delete column or row
− use fill down/across
− save updated spreadsheet
• generate graphs from spreadsheets
− determine and create appropriate type of graph
− incorporate graphs in word processing.

Design Task
Students must use the design process to construct a spreadsheet, and
produce a design portfolio showing all the steps undertaken in the
construction of the spreadsheet.

The design portfolio might include, for example:

• rough notes or sketches
• checklists
• progressive records
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• drafts.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design project, the
design portfolio, a written test and discussion and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

• demonstrate knowledge of and skills in experimenting, generating and
communicating ideas and solutions using spreadsheets

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of, and skills in, the
responsible selection and ethical use of techniques from
• apply a broad range of appropriate tools and techniques with
competence in the development of a spreadsheet design project

• produce solutions that respond to the design project
• apply appropriate evaluation techniques throughout the design

Total: 100 marks



In this unit students will learn of data handling systems. Students will
learn the basic structure of a database and learn to query a database
created by the teacher. The emphasis of the unit is on developing skills at
interrogating databases

Learning outcomes

Students can:

• recognise and use software programs that are suitable for specific
• identify and use problem-solving processes when creating solutions
• design, produce and evaluate appropriate solutions to a range of
• justify decisions made when creating information and software
technology solutions
• use ethical practices when dealing with information and software


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content. Safety must be taught in context and ergonomic furniture
provided and used where necessary.
Data handling
Develop an understanding of data bases:

• create and save databases
− identify intended use
− specify data organization
− name fields
− set field attributes
− enter data in a consistent form
− edit data as needed
• retrieve data
− sort
− search for specific data by field
− create and print reports
• edit data
− add records to a file
− add fields to a record
− delete records from a database file
− delete a field from a record
− save updated records
− determine appearance of page
− insert headers and footers
− print report.


Lower Secondary Syllabus
Design Task

Students must use the design process to develop a database by handling
data, and produce a design portfolio showing all the steps undertaken in
the making of the product.

The design portfolio might include, for example:

• rough notes or sketches
• checklists
• progressive records
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• drafts.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design project, the
design portfolio, a written test and discussion and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

• demonstrate knowledge and skills in handling data)
• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of, and skills in, the
responsible selection and ethical use of data
• apply a range of appropriate and techniques with competence in the
development of data bases

• produce quality solutions that respond to identified needs and
opportunities in each design project

• apply appropriate evaluation techniques throughout each design

Total: 100 marks

Option Information management

10 weeks
In this unit students will learn about accessing and retrieving information
using computers. They will learn to use CR ROMS such as electronic
encyclopaedias, databases and spreadsheets to find and manage
information. The emphasis of the unit is to develop skills so that the
student is able to search for usable and appropriate information.

Access to a computer with database, word processing and spreadsheet
applications required. Searchable database also needed. Use of
electronic encyclopaedias is optional but recommended.

Learning outcomes

Students can:

• identify and use problem-solving processes when accessing and
retrieving information using computers
• determine appropriate solutions to a range of problems
• justify decisions made when accessing information
• describe ethical practices used when dealing with the internet
• describe a range of past, current and emerging information and
software technologies.


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content. Safety must be taught in context and ergonomic furniture
provided and used where necessary.
Accessing and retrieving information
Knowledge of accessing and retrieving information:

• access/retrieve information:
− identify a need for information
− identify appropriate resources
− use of library catalogue
− use of internet (or intranet)
− define search parameters.
• use a database
• produce research project incorporating information retrieved from at
least two different types of source
• use of student created databases.
Information organisation
• identify useful information from search
• take notes/paraphrase from search
• cite electronic sources for bibliography.
Information analysis

Lower Secondary Syllabus
• compare information from at least two sources
• identify trends in data
• evaluate for accuracy, relevance, appropriateness,
comprehensiveness, and bias
• prepare reports on analysis using a computer application (word
processor, spreadsheet or presentation graphic tools).

Design Task

Students must use the design process to access information for a
purpose using a variety of information retrieval methods, and produce a
portfolio showing all the steps undertaken in the process.

The design portfolio might include, for example:

• rough notes or sketches
• checklists
• progressive records
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• drafts.

The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design project, the
design portfolio, a written test and discussion and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

• demonstrate knowledge of and skills in researching and retrieving
information ethically using the a variety of sources

• apply a broad range of appropriate skills with competence
• produce quality solutions that respond to identified needs
• apply appropriate evaluation techniques throughout each design

Total: 100 marks

Option Word processing 2

10 weeks
In this unit students will extend and further develop their word processing
skills and use these skills to design a solution to a problem presented
through a case study or design brief. The emphasis of the unit is the
design and production of a suitable word processed document.

Access to a computer and word processing applications is required.

Learning outcomes

Students can:

• recognise and use software programs that are suitable for specific
• identify and use problem-solving processes when creating solutions
• design, produce and evaluate appropriate solutions to a range of
• justify decisions made when creating information and software
technology solutions
• use ethical practices when dealing with information and software


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content. Safety must be taught in context and ergonomic furniture
provided and used where necessary.
Formatting and printing
• format headers and footers, including automatic codes for page
numbering and file paths
• page set-up dialogue box to adjust margins, paper size and
• print dialogue box to print multiple copies or specific page ranges of a
document. use of the print dialogue box to print to a different printer
use of the print dialogue box to set printer specific options
• apply advanced formats to text and paragraphs using the format
menu. formats should include: line spacing, indents, font effects and
• use built in templates
• create
• insert and format a table, including:
− adding
− sizing rows and columns
− applying changes to borders and shading
− using AutoSum and sort options.


Lower Secondary Syllabus
• bulleted
• numbered
• format lists (bulleted or numbered, including outline numbering).
Diagrams and pictures
• draw simple figures using the drawing tools provided within your word
• use the equation editor (or equivalent) add in to produce correct
mathematical notation within their document
• use clipart and word art
• create clipart and word art
• insert and format a picture from a file (paint bmp, photo jpg etc.).

Design Task

Students must use the design process to develop a product using a range
of word processing skills and techniques, and produce a design portfolio
showing all the steps undertaken in the developing of the product.

The design portfolio might include:

• checklists
• initial design ideas
• progressive records
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• drafts.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design project, the
design portfolio, a written test and discussion and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

• demonstrate knowledge of and skills in researching, experimenting,
generating and communicating creative design ideas and solutions
using word processing
• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of, and skills in, the
responsible selection and ethical use of tools and techniques

• apply a broad range of appropriate tools and techniques with
competence in the development of a word processed product

• produce quality solutions that respond to identified needs and
opportunities in each design project

• apply appropriate evaluation techniques throughout each design

Total: 100 marks


In this unit students will extend and further develop their spreadsheet
skills and use these skills to design a solution to a problem presented
through a design brief. The emphasis of the unit is the design and
production of a suitable spreadsheet solution.

Access to a computer and spreadsheet applications is required.

Learning outcomes

Students can:

• recognise and use software programs that are suitable for specific
• identify and use problem-solving processes when creating solutions
• design, produce and evaluate appropriate solutions to a range of
• justify decisions made when creating information and software
technology solutions
• use ethical practices when dealing with information and software


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content. Safety must be taught in context and ergonomic furniture
provided and used where necessary.
Formatting and printing
• apply more advanced formats to cell contents
− number
− currency
− date
− time
− fractions
− percentages
− text
• insert and delete rows, columns and cells in the worksheet
• format headers and footers, including automatic codes for page
numbering and file paths
• page set-up dialogue box to adjust margins, paper size and
orientation, gridlines on / off, print order
• the print dialogue box: to print multiple copies or specific sheets or
whole workbook
• printing to a different printer
• use the print dialogue box to set printer specific options.

Lower Secondary Syllabus
• simple formulas. =. – x. /
• formulas using ranges of cells
• sort data alphabetically, ascending, descending, on multiple columns.
Graphical representation of data
• create a chart (using wizards where applicable) from a series of data
• apply different styles of chart:
− bar
− column,
− line
− pie, etc.
• 3D
• chart components and controls
• formatting data series:
− axis titles
− colours
− backgrounds
− styles
− legend
− labels.


Design Task

Students must use the design process to develop a product using a range
of spreadsheet skills and techniques, and produce a design portfolio
showing all the steps undertaken in the developing of the product.

The design portfolio might include, for example:

• rough notes or sketches
• checklists
• progressive records
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• drafts.
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design project, the
design portfolio, a written test and discussion and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

• demonstrate knowledge of and skills in researching, experimenting,
generating and communicating creative design ideas and solutions
using spreadsheets

• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of, and skills in, the
responsible selection and ethical use of tools and techniques

• apply a broad range of appropriate tools and techniques with
competence in the development of design projects
• produce quality solutions that respond to identified needs and
opportunities in each design project

• apply appropriate evaluation techniques throughout each design

Total: 100 marks


Lower Secondary Syllabus

In this unit students will learn about the development of the Internet and
the World Wide Web (WWW). Students will learn how to connect to an
Internet Service Provider (ISP) and use both e-mail and the Internet.
Students will learn how to search the WWW for information and will be
made aware of concerns and issues arising from the use of the Internet.
The emphasis of the unit is to develop skills such that the student is able
to send / receive e-mail and to independently search the internet for
usable and appropriate information.

Access to a computer, modem and internet connections is required.

Learning outcomes

Students can:

• identify and use problem-solving processes when creating solutions
• design, produce and evaluate appropriate solutions to a range of
• justify decisions made when creating information and software
technology solutions
• describe ethical practices used when dealing with data and
• describe a range of past, current and emerging information and
software technologies.


Students acquire knowledge and skills through the teaching and learning
of this content. Safety must be taught in context and ergonomic furniture
provided and used where necessary.
Knowledge of the internet and the communication processes
• hardware and software required to connect one computer to another
over long distances
• the purpose of a modem (change digital signals into analogue signals
and vice versa, prepare data for distribution of a transmission
network) and a web browser (display data in a consistent manner
using a common mark-up language, describe predominantly textual
• how, why, when the internet was started with a simple description of
what / how the internet works
• differences between the internet and the world wide web. the amount
of information the internet potentially represents / contains
• issues relating to content control, censorship and copyright
• issues relating to the open nature of the internet include, inappropriate
content such as racist, cult, ‘alternative’, holocaust denial sites,
pornography, plagiarism and cheating, amongst others.


• applications designed to assist the user in accessing the Internet
Protection (anti-spyware tools, anti-phishing tools, content filtering
applications, privacy / personal information protection tools, cookie /
history washers, etc.)
• the role / function and purpose of an ISP.
Skills and techniques
• set up an account and connect via modem or other connection
method to an ISP
• use the main features of a web browser, including bookmarks and
• navigate through a web site using hyperlinks
• navigate to a web site directly using the site’s URL
• search the web for specific content using various web-search engines.


Lower Secondary Syllabus
Design Task

Students must use the design process to develop a product using the
internet, and produce a design portfolio showing all the steps undertaken
in the developing of the product.

The design portfolio might include, for example:

• notes

• checklists
• www web site addresses
• work samples with comments written by the teacher
• drafts
• web
The learning outcomes will be assessed through the design project, the
design portfolio, a written test and discussion and reflection.
Assessment criteria
The learning outcomes will be assessed by the extent to which the
student can:

• demonstrate knowledge of and skills in researching, experimenting,
generating and communicating creative design ideas and solutions
using the internet
• demonstrate knowledge and understanding of, and skills in, the
responsible selection and ethical use of tools and techniques
• apply a broad range of appropriate tools and techniques with
competence in the development of design projects
• produce quality solutions that respond to identified needs and
opportunities in each design project
• apply appropriate evaluation techniques throughout each design

Total: 100 marks


Lower secondary syllabus
Design and Technology

Lower Secondary Syllabus
Design and Technology units
The subject Design and Technology consists of seven units from the
Practical Skills, Home Economics and Computing subjects. Each unit
must be taught in ten weeks.

Design and Technology enables students to choose a variety of units
from the Design and Technology Subject Field Syllabuses: to pick and
choose the units that are of interest to them.

Students may study any of the Practical Skills or Home Economics units
that are of interest, provided the school has the resources to teach the
unit. At least seven units must be studied, four in Grade 9 and three in
Grade 10.

If students decide to study some of the Computing units, they must do the
core units before they study the options.

The learning outcomes and assessment tasks and criteria are described
in each unit. All units are based on the design process and students must
make a product in every unit.

Lower secondary syllabus

Design and Technology - Examples of possible unit selections

Example 1

Grade 10

Fabrics and
Technology 1

Introduction to Food
Technology 2

Technology 1


Example 2



Grade 10


processing 1
technology 2

Working with
technology 3

technology 1


Lower Secondary Syllabus
Assessment, examinations and certification
Assessment and reporting practices described here are detailed further in
the National Assessment and Reporting Policy for Papua New Guinea
(2003) and in other support materials produced by the Department of
The main purpose of assessment is to improve student learning.

Assessment needs to be for learning as well as of learning. It is used to
evaluate and improve teaching and learning, report achievement and
provide feedback to students on their progress.

Assessment measures students’ achievement of learning outcomes as
described in the syllabus. It is the ongoing process of identifying,
gathering and interpreting information about students’ achievement of the
learning outcomes.

For teaching and learning to be outcomes-based, teachers need to plan
their teaching and assess learner performance in relation to outcomes
using criteria derived from those outcomes.
Assessing in an outcomes-based way involves focusing less on whether
a learner has "passed" or "failed" and more on what outcomes a learner
has achieved and in which areas further support is required.
Assessment in the Design and Technology Subject Field
A student’s achievement in the subjects of the Design and Technology
Subject Field at the end of Grade 10 will be assessed against the broad
learning outcomes. Assessment of student progress towards achieving
these broad outcomes is cumulative throughout Grade 9 and 10 using
specific outcomes for each unit. The matrixes at the beginning of each
subject show how the unit outcomes are linked to the broad learning

During the course of each unit students must complete the tasks specified
for the unit. Teachers will expand each task and provide clear guidelines
to students for how the task will be completed and how the criteria will be

The assessment tasks and criteria in each unit ensure that there is a
common focus for internal assessment in the subject across schools
while allowing for flexibility in the design of tasks. A variety of tasks are
specified to give students the opportunity to demonstrate all the broad
learning outcomes in different ways and to improve the validity and
reliability of the assessment.

It is important that teachers plan the teaching and learning sequence so
that there is a balanced spread of assessment during the unit. Some
tasks, such as investigations or case studies can be designed so that

Lower secondary syllabus
they are completed over a period of time rather than at the end of the unit.
Other tasks can be done immediately the relevant section of the unit has
been covered.
Assessment for the School Certificate
A student’s overall achievement in Practical Skills, Home Economics,
Computing and Design and Technology subjects will be both internally
and externally assessed. The mark awarded to each student for the
School Certificate will be a combination of the internal assessment mark
provided by the school and the examination mark.
Internal Assessment
Internal assessment provides a measure of a student’s achievement
based on a wider range of syllabus content and outcomes than may be
covered by the external examination alone.

For Practical Skills, Home Economics, Computing and Design and
Technology the internal assessment marks provide a summation of each
student’s achievements in Grades 9 and 10. The assessment tasks used
to determine the internal assessment mark must comply with the types of
tasks and assessment criteria specified in each of the units.

All schools must meet the requirements for internal assessment as
specified in the Grade 10 Assessment, Examination and Certification
External Examination
The external examination provides a measure of student achievement of
those aspects of the broad learning outcomes that can be reliably
measured in an examination setting. Questions for the external
examination in Practical Skills, Home Economics, Computing and Design
and Technology subjects will be developed using the outcomes,
knowledge and skills in the core units.
All schools must meet the requirements for maintaining and submitting
student records as specified in the Grade 10 Assessment, Examination
and Certification Handbook
Candidates will be awarded a School Certificate only if they meet all
requirements for internal and external assessment. Eligibility rules for the
award of the School certificate are specified in Grade 10 Assessment,
Examination and Certification Handbook.


Document Outline

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